CALIFON, N.J., Dec. 21, 2012 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — With the real estate market in flux and money for property investment tight as a drum, this might not be the best time to publish a book on property investment or on “how to be a landlord.” DJV Murphy considered the current market conditions as the backdrop to his latest book “So You Want To Be A Landlord: Tales From The Crypt” (ISBN-13: 978-1461087014). He ventures there is no bad time to invest in property.

He calls it a humorous “how to” book about getting in the game of investment real estate but also offers a serious slant of avoiding the pitfalls of being a landlord.

“This is not for the big hitters in the real estate investment field,” Murphy said, “but it is written with small town ‘Donald Trumps’ in mind.”

The 100 plus page book combines humor with technical information about how to succeed being a landlord and is illustrated with cartoons depicting the pitfalls and successes of owning investment real estate.

The illustrator is B.J. Nartker a leading artist from California, who provided the visuals to the book. Murphy chose the illustration themes and cut lines with Nartker interpreting them as cartoons.

In the book, Murphy writes there are many upsides to being a landlord and offers a number of suggestions on how to avoid the downsides.

He advises prospective or current landlords of the many pointers, other than avoiding taxes, which may help one succeed as a real estate investor and reaching objectives.

About the Author:
This is Murphy’s sixth book after writing a number of award winning screenplays. The “Landlord” book is available through, local book stores and from the author who lives in New Jersey and owns Carpe Diem Art Gallery located on his farm.

The book is available in paperback and Kindle Edition.

DJV Murphy may be contacted through the website .

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