PALO ALTO, Calif. — A new e-book, available free from No Map. No Guide. No Limits.(TM), offers entertaining storytelling, thought-provoking ideas, and practical advice on surviving-and thriving-in uncertain times and circumstances. In “Surviving Uncertainty: Taking a Hero’s Journey,” (ISBN: 978-1-4276-3955-4) adventure writer Lane Wallace applies what she’s learned in the school of adventure to the broader school of life.

Lane WallaceTwenty years ago, Wallace left a successful corporate career to become a pilot and writer. Since then, she’s climbed mountains in Nepal and Europe, kayaked the Na Pali Coast of Hawaii, gone wreck diving in French Polynesia, and explored glaciers in Alaska. Her adventures have also included flying relief supplies in both the Amazon jungle and conflict zones in Africa, as well as donning a space suit to fly an Air Force U-2 above 70,000 feet.

Wallace argues that adventure – even the involuntary adventure of job loss, layoffs, or uncertain times – offers unique opportunities and gifts. She believes adventure can get us on a more fulfilling life track, rekindle our dreams and energy, and teach us valuable lessons about ourselves and life.

What looks like a bad turn of events can actually be the start of a hero’s journey that can give us the strength of a hero and teach us how to find our own way home, wizard or no wizard. As Wallace puts it, “Once you’ve climbed a mountain, no hill will ever seem so tall again.”

“Surviving Uncertainty: Taking a Hero’s Journey” explores the possibilities uncertainty holds, and argues that getting launched onto a modern-day hero’s journey, while not entirely comfortable, might just be the best thing that ever happened to you.

To download a free copy of the 100-page book (in PDF format), visit:

For the past 10 years, Lane Wallace has created witty, wry, and insightful adventure tales for the readers of FLYING magazine. She’s also the founder and editor of the website No Map. No Guide. No Limits. Its goal is to provide thought-provoking ideas, discussion and advice on topics related to adventure, risk, change, entrepreneurship, innovation – and surviving the stress and challenge of uncertain times and circumstances.