Tag: Government
Women and The Vote NYS Initiative Honors State Suffragists
ROCHESTER, N.Y., Jan. 23, 2020 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Women and the Vote NYS announces that a new initiative, timed to coincide with the 19th Amendment Centennial, is being launched to develop a mobile-friendly online database with interactive map of gravesites across New York State of the suffragists who worked tirelessly to bring about women's right to vote.
RMA Reveals Behind-the-Scenes Strategies in Florida that Helped Secure Amazon Deal for City of Deltona
POMPANO BEACH, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- RMA has revealed the international deal-making that was required to secure an Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) distribution center as the anchor for the new Portland Industrial Park in Deltona, Florida. RMA's economic development and real estate project management team brokered the deal between DOT Properties headquartered in Australia; Seefried Industrial Properties, the developer for Amazon; and the City.
NotaryCam Approved to Provide eNotary, RON Services for Michigan Notaries
NEWPORT BEACH, Calif., Dec. 19, 2019 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- NotaryCam the pioneering leader in online notarization and original provider of mortgage eClosing solutions, today announced that it has been approved by the Michigan Department of State to provide both eNotary and remote online notarization (RON) services to the more than 113,000 notaries public registered in the state.
United States Air Force Partners with UniverseIT and Classe365
SUGARLAND, Texas, Dec. 3, 2019 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- UniverseIT is excited to announce a new partnership with the United States Air Force (USAF) which encompasses serving three training schools - the Air Ground Operations School (AGOS); Weapons School (USAFWS); and Advanced Maintenance and Munitions Operations School (AMMOS).
Osceola City Council Green Lights Contractor Bidding On New Wastewater Plant
OSCEOLA, Iowa, Nov. 19, 2019 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- The Osceola City Council has approved a schedule for taking bids on construction of the updated wastewater treatment facility. A recent pre-bid meeting brought in a handful of interest, but with design and budgeting finalized, the City is now able to open the call for bids to contractors interested in undertaking the project.
Treadstone 71 Releases Comprehensive Knowledgebase for Cyber and Threat Intelligence: CyberIntellipedia
HALF MOON BAY, Calif., Nov. 18, 2019 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Treadstone 71, the highly focused and standards-driven cyber and threat intelligence tradecraft company, today announced the beta release of CyberIntellipedia. The extremely detailed, expansive wiki includes knowledge gained over years of cyber and threat intelligence program builds, targeted adversary research, and intelligence community-driven cyber intelligence training courses.
RMA Hired by Town of Fort Myers Beach
POMPANO BEACH, Fla., Nov. 15, 2019 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- The Town of Fort Myers Beach has hired the firm RMA to create its new branding and marketing campaign. RMA's award-winning team of economic development and marketing experts will analyze the town's current brand and develop a comprehensive strategy to capitalize on the community's authentic assets and distinctive culture.
Haibu partners with the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs on ‘Zoohackathon’
HOLLYWOOD, Calif., Nov. 1, 2019 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Haibu is an award-winning series of books, films, cartoons and video games that promotes wildlife conservation around the world. Haibu has partnered with the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES) on Zoohackathon, a global competition to develop new and innovative technology tools to fight wildlife trafficking.
Avondale Estates Mayoral Candidate Clai Brown Refutes Disinformation, Invites More Community Dialog
AVONDALE ESTATES, Ga., Oct. 23, 2019 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- 2019 Candidate for Mayor and former City Manager Clai Brown has issued the following statement to ensure Avondale Estates citizens have access to facts on matters that may determine their November 5 election-day decisions about the future of their unique city and community.
Keep Our Seniors Safe Act Signed by Governor Newsom
SAN DIEGO, Calif., Oct. 18, 2019 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Consumer Advocates for RCFE Reform (CARR) announces that California Governor Newsom signed the Keep Our Seniors Safe Act, a part of SB 172 (Portantino) which was signed into law on 12 October, 2019.
Five Tips to Turn Tourists into Investors – Economic Development and Marketing Experts Develop ‘Investment Tourism’ Strategy
POMPANO BEACH, Fla., Oct. 16, 2019 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- What if your city could implement a strategy that would transform tourists into long-term investors? That is the concept behind "Investment Tourism," a comprehensive Economic Development and Marketing platform developed by the award-winning principals of RMA and CJF Marketing International.
Guardian Angels Medical Service Dogs, Inc. Partners with SCI Mercer to Train Service Dogs for Veterans
PITTSBURGH, Pa., Oct. 4, 2019 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- It is with great pleasure that Guardian Angels Medical Service Dogs announces its latest partnership, with the Pennsylvania State Correctional Institution (SCI) at Mercer. As part of our new partnership, incarcerated veterans will train some of our future service dogs, beginning at approximately 5 months of age, all while earning college credit.
Real Change: Expanding Congress to Include a Citizens Assembly with a NEW UNITY
WASHINGTON D.C., Sept. 18, 2019 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- An Assembly of 600 citizen-delegates is being established by NewUnity.Org and it is expected to eventually become a third-chamber of Congress via constitutional amendment, creating a tri-cameral legislature. The first session of the Assembly is scheduled to start in early 2020. Any U.S. citizen over the age of 18 can be a delegate to the Assembly, provided they satisfy some eligibility requirements.
GMAR and Michigan State Police Trooper School Come Together to Sponsor Medical Service Dog
LANSING, Mich., Aug. 23, 2019 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Guardian Angels Medical Service Dogs announced that in February 2019, Sgt. McRae of the Michigan State Police Trooper Recruit School set a goal: to honor Michigan State Trooper Craig A. Scott; a military veteran who was killed in the line of duty after 7 years on the force in 1982.
Arizona Department of Housing Congratulates the Recipients of the 2019 Brian Mickelsen Housing Hero Awards
PHOENIX, Ariz., Aug. 21, 2019 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Arizona Department of Housing presented the 2019 Brian Mickelsen Housing Hero Awards at a recognition ceremony in Scottsdale on August 21. The ceremony was held in conjunction with the 16th Annual Arizona Housing Forum; the premier industry event for housing and community development professionals in the state.
The Pompano Beach CRA Announces a Request for Co-Working Space Applications
POMPANO BEACH, Fla., Aug. 2, 2019 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- The Pompano Beach CRA has announced a request for applications from entrepreneurs interested in becoming members of "GROW," a co-working space, managed by the nationally acclaimed team, Digital Grass Innovation and Technology. This innovation hub will provide a myriad of support systems to local business owners looking to accelerate their success via three membership levels.
Florida Distillers Go to Capitol Hill to Urge Support for Craft Beverage Modernization and Tax Reform Act
ST. AUGUSTINE, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- The St. Augustine Distillery joined two Florida distillers along with more than 150 craft distillers from around the country who gathered in Washington, D.C. from July 22 through July 24 for the distilled spirits industry's 10th Annual Public Policy Conference, co-hosted by the Distilled Spirits Council of the United States and the American Craft Spirits Association (ACSA).
RMA Offers Premier Consultations to City Leaders in Florida: Authors of ‘Reinventing Your City’ Celebrate National Book Lovers Day
POMPANO BEACH, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- RMA is offering complimentary 15-minute consultations to city and county leaders who purchase 25 or more copies of the book, "Reinventing Your City: Eight Steps to Turn Your City Around" (ISBN: 978-0986086007). The offer commences on August 9, National Book Lovers Day, and runs until August 31, 2019.
Due to the Gilroy Tragedy, the Historic Meeting with Calif. Gov. Newsom and 100-year-old WWII Vet Sidney Walton Occurred at the...
SACRAMENTO, Calif., July 30, 2019 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Sidney Walton, age 100, one of America's oldest WWII veterans and just back from on-stage in Normandy, met with Gov. Gavin Newsom July 29, 4:30 to 5 p.m. in the Governor's office. The meeting was arranged by state Senator Brian Jones from San Diego County. (VIDEO)
JaffaCares Safety Sunday @ Spring Creek Towers Aims to Break Social Barriers and Provide Invaluable Safety Content
BROOKLYN, N.Y., July 29, 2019 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Jack Jaffa & Associates is partnering with Spring Creek Towers Department of Public Safety, the NYPD's 75th precinct, the FDNY Fire Prevention Bureau and prominent elected officials to bring safety awareness to the 15,000 residents of Starrett City on Sunday, August 4, 2019