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Pro Days Brand

Miami’s Pro Day Brand Sportswear Takes on the Fitness and Sports World

MIAMI, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- Currently, the NFL Combine is the most noted of all football camps and related events. College Pro Day is a very close second, and should soon challenge for the number one sporting crown. With the ever growing popularity of Pro Days, through manufacturing and licensing, True Fan Sports is positioning themselves as a premier powerhouse of high-performance sportswear, athletic sports shoes, leisure apparel and accessories.
True Fan Sports

If an organization has true fans and would like to retain them while adding more, reward them, says True Fan Sports

MIAMI, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- Today, professional sports organizations are clamoring to retain their true fans. If an organization has true fans and would like to retain them while adding more, reward them. True Fan Sports, a product development firm in Miami, has created an all-new loyalty rewards campaign, 'The True Fan Experience.'
True Fan Sports Miami

True Fan Sports, Inc. helps Atheletic Apparel Companies Name Their Shoes

MIAMI, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- Name that shoe! Have you visited an athletic shoe store or department lately? 'I recently walked into a retail outlet for athletic footwear and was overwhelmed by the number of shoes that were on display, too many to count,' says Emory Williams Jr., one of the founders of True Fan Sports, Inc., a Miami-based name development firm.