COSTA MESA, Calif. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — The Shuyokan Dojo in Costa Mesa, California is pleased to announce a new course offering: “In Control – Practical Verbal Self-Defense.” Participants will learn innovative strategies for verbal conflicts in a few short weeks through training in martial arts principles, character analysis, confrontation styles and role-playing for more effective conflict management. The course is being offered through Costa Mesa Parks and Recreation. Classes will meet at the Neighborhood Community Center every Monday from 7 – 8:30 p.m. for 10 weeks starting on January 4, 2010. Use code 138030-A1 for registration.

According to course instructor, Sensei Richard Milenkovich, “Accomplished martial artists handle physical confrontations with ease because they consistently train their bodies and minds before a conflict even occurs.”

Milenkovich’s instruction will focus on the non-physical confrontations most people encounter on a daily basis. Situational examples include everything from dealing with surly customer service agents to co-worker and family disagreements.

Milenkovich adds, “Unfortunately, since most folks don’t regularly train for managing day-to-day conflict, the resolutions tend to be less than optimal, and can even escalate to violence in certain situations.” Sensei Milenkovich expects course graduates will come away with new skills for more successful conflict resolution.

“By training for the common conflict we can learn to take control and lead our partners to a more harmonious outcome,” says Milenkovich. “Conflicts should not have a winner and a loser. With control, respect and understanding we can avoid escalating confrontations. We can create better outcomes for everyone and grow stronger relationships.”

Sensei Milenkovich has practiced and taught Aikido and conflict management for over twenty years. He holds multiple black belts in two Aikido styles, has recently been inducted in the Masters Hall of Fame and has studied under Thomas Crum, the author of “The Magic of Conflict.”

Sensei Milenkovich is the Founder of the In-Control program.

For further information contact:
Costa Mesa Parks and Recreation
1-(714)-327-7525 .

News Source: The Shuyokan Dojo

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