GREENACRES, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ — Redevelopment Management Associates (RMA) today announced it has been hired by the City of Greenacres to develop a vision for the City and create a strategic action plan. RMA will guide the 8th largest municipality in Palm Beach County towards future economic growth by implementing the firm’s proven strategies which have reinvented numerous cities throughout the state. The first public input meeting will be held Saturday, October 13, 2018 from 10 a.m. – 2 p.m., at the Greenacres Community Center.

City of Greenacres
“We are honored to be working with the City of Greenacres to develop a vision, plan, brand and message for their community,” said Sharon McCormick, Greenacres’ project director and RMA’s Director of Business Attraction & Marketing. “This will be an extensive program which will tap into RMA’s multi-disciplinary approach and is designed to engage the residents and stakeholders in creating the future of the community.”

The RMA process for Greenacres will begin with a market analysis, followed by public and stakeholder input meetings leading to a community vision. Next, the team will develop a realistic, achievable strategic action plan for the city’s short-term and long-term goals. During the discovery process, resident and business surveys will be conducted. Additionally, RMA, with city leaders, staff and the community, will uncover and develop the city’s current identity and aspirational brand, which will advance the communications message for the future economic growth in Greenacres.

The first public input meeting on October 13, 2018 is open to all residents, business owners, civic/community leaders and stakeholders. The community center is located at 501 Swain Blvd. For more information:

About Greenacres:

Greenacres is the 8th largest municipality of 39 in Palm Beach County. There are over 40,000 residents and over 1,000 businesses. With a land area of approximately six square miles, Greenacres is located in the central part of Palm Beach County and was originally incorporated in 1926.

The City is home to 9 public schools, 11 parks with a combined area of over 93 acres and the City’s Community Center is host to a variety of youth, adult and senior classes and activities. Additionally, the City has been recognized as one of the “100 Best Communities for Young People” in the nation by America’s Promise-The Alliance for Youth, the nation’s largest alliance dedicated to children and youth.

About RMA:

Founded in 2009 by Kim Briesemeister and Chris Brown, RMA is comprised of a phenomenal team of redevelopment experts passionate about building better communities. RMA is the most experienced full-service economic redevelopment consulting and management firm, headquartered in the state of Florida, specializing in revitalizing core areas and corridors for cities, counties and special districts nationwide. The co-founders are also the authors of one of the definitive books about city redevelopment, “Reinventing Your City: 8 Steps to Turn Your City Around.”

For more information: