National News Desk
Cut Expenses and Budget by Eating Out at Home
SUMTER, S.C. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Recipe-Robot, a newly-launched Web site, announces a service that not only saves people money, but also gives them easy access to copycat recipes so they can cook their favorite restaurant-quality meals at home.
PALNET Solves the Pallet Buyer’s Dilemma
VINELAND, N.J. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- The old adage goes, 'buyer beware.' Michael Smith, President and C.O.O. of PALNET, a nationwide supplier of environmentally-friendly wooden pallets, thinks that is especially true when it comes to pallets. According to Smith, 'So much of the pallet purchase decision is based on the initial price quote that many of the other equally important factors don't get the attention they deserve.'
Foreclosure Rates Continue Rising and Housing Prices Continue Falling, says ForeclosureDataOnline
NEW YORK, N.Y. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- ForeclosureDataOnline reports more dark days ahead for the housing market and for homeowners concerned about losing their homes. The data collected by the site shows that foreclosure levels continue to rise and are reaching record highs, particularly in states such as Michigan, California, and Florida.
Increase System C Drive to Speed up the Computer – Affordable and Safe Partitioning Software
NEW YORK, N.Y. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Are you still complaining that your computer is too slow and want to speed it up? EASEUS Partition Master is able to help computer users increase their C drive to speed up computers when the system drive is at low disk space. EASEUS Software's Partition Master can assist a user to resize (increase/reduce) a system C drive without data loss.
Renaissance Surgical Arts at Newport Harbor Names Dr. Michael Sundine to the Board
COSTA MESA, Calif. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Renaissance Surgical Arts at Newport Harbor, a new cutting edge outpatient surgical facility located within the Pacific Medical Plaza building at 1640 Newport Blvd, has named Michael J. Sundine, M.D., F.A.C.S., as its physician representative to the Board of Directors. Dr. Sundine is a board certified plastic surgeon based in Newport Beach, Calif.
Nationwide Foreclosure Fear Still Strong as Homeowners Try to Prepare for the Worst, says ForeclosureRepos
NEW YORK, N.Y. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- According to ForeclosureRepos, REO activity is expected to spike in the coming months as foreclosure delays and moratoria implemented by various state laws come to an abrupt end. The herd mentality is causing people to rush to find alternatives. Attendance at Tele-Seminars, workshops, interactive community meetings, and increasingly large seminars held by reputable mortgage bankers and attorneys are continuing to draw concerned and sometimes desperate homeowners seeking solutions to stay in their homes.
Survey Shows Support for Obama Economic Plans, says Foreclosure1
NEW YORK, N.Y. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- A study conducted by Foreclosure1 of its users shows support for Obama's economic proposals, particularly those geared towards homeowners. When President Obama took office in January 2009, one of his first actions was to begin assembling an economic stimulus plan that would help revive the U.S. economy. The bill passed, although its $787 billion price tag caused some controversy, particularly among Republicans.
The Oracle Group Announces The NAACP Centennial Author Pavilion Themed 100 Years 100 Authors in New York City
WASHINGTON, D.C. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- The NAACP Centennial Author Pavilion welcomes National Bestselling Authors, Diahann Carroll, Hill Harper, Chris Gardner, Tiki Barber, Terry McMillan, Carl Weber, Chef Jeff Henderson, Stephen L. Carter, Dr. Dorothy Height, Sharon Draper and Walter Mosley to New York City to Celebrate 100 Years of Bold Dreams and Big Victories. The NAACP Author Centennial Author Pavilion Themed '100 Years, 100 Authors' will bring an exciting mix to New York City, July 13th through 15th, 2009.
Patent Awarded for Waffletechnology Cleaning Cards to KICTeam
AUBURN, Maine (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- A patent has been issued for a unique feature of KICTeam's Waffletechnology cleaning cards, adding a level of protection to a growing cleaning card market. 'We have been pursuing this patent since the early stages of Waffletechnology development and are pleased to have received the first of what we anticipate will be multiple patents,' said Peter Klein, President and CEO at KICTeam, Inc.
BirthdaysNewYork Heats up the Big Apple with Hot and Trendy New York City Birthday Parties
NEW YORK, N.Y. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- BirthdaysNewYork is New York City's newest and most exciting birthday party planning service; its focus is primarily on birthdays, bachelor and bachelorette parties. And EMRG, its parent company, is a veteran in the New York party planning business and does the work so its clients don't have to.
LRM Industries, LLC Acquired and Recapitalized as LRM Industries International, Inc.
ROCKLEDGE, Fla. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- The former LRM Industries, LLC, headquartered in Rockledge, Florida, has been acquired from NOVA Chemicals Inc. and Envirokare Tech, Inc., which have owned the company as a joint venture since 2005. A group of investors led by Zesiger Capital Group LLC funded the transaction that resulted in the recapitalization of the former company into LRM Industries International, Inc.
SurfBalance Mobile Safe Browser for Kids Now Available on Apple iTunes App Store
PHOENIX, Ariz. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- SurfBalance, a new app for the Apple iPhone™ and iPod Touch® devices, is available now at the Apple iTunes® store. Full-featured tool guides, limits and verifies kids' Web wse on iPhone and iPod Touch. SurfBalance combines a fun, full-screen mobile Web browser with unique features.
Financial Foundation Group – Building More Than Just Wealth
FT. COLLINS, Colo. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- 2009 has been all about helping others for the Financial Foundation Group (FFG). With the recent stock market fluctuations and devaluation, not only have representatives of FFG been helping clients protect their assets, but also helping others by volunteering more of their time. The Financial Foundation Group is excited to have been a big contributor to the Fort Collins Habitat for Humanity on June 12th, 2009. Instead of heading into the office, associates from the Loveland, CO, office were given permission to work on 2 different Habitat home sites located in Ft. Collins, CO.
ACS Technologies Selects M2SYS for Innovative Biometric Software
ATLANTA, Ga. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- M2SYS Technology, an award-winning biometric technology research and development firm, announced today that it has finalized an agreement with ACS Technologies, the leading provider of information management solutions to nearly 50,000 churches, schools, and other faith-based organizations.
CustomXM (Custom Printing Company, Inc.) Becomes First in State to Offer Dimensional Printing
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- CustomXM, a central Arkansas marketing services provider, recently added the Kodak Dimensional Printing capability to its Nexpress 3000 Digital Production Color Press. CustomXM is currently the only provider of these services in the state of Arkansas
Momentum Transport Makes the Grade with Better Business Bureau
HOUSTON, Texas (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Momentum Transport, the nation's premier auto and freight transport provider, recently earned the Better Business Bureau's highest ranking possible - receiving a grade of A+. After a recent change in the BBB grading system (replacing grades of 'satisfactory' or 'unsatisfactory' with grades ranging from A+ to F), Momentum received an upgrade from its prior rating of 'satisfactory.'
Overwhelming Success Out of The Ruins for
HOUSTON, Texas (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- The results are in! In a contest based on the hit Fox Searchlight Pictures film 'My Life In Ruins,', the internet's premier online jewelry retailer, found their site flooded with close to 12,000 hopeful winners of a diamond right hand ring. Makes the Dream of Owning a Home a Reality
LOS ANGELES, Calif. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Foreclosures are at an all-time high. However, good news is on the horizon. The release of the new federal tax credit of $8,000 given to first-time home buyers has heated up the real estate market and provided a well-needed boost to the struggling real estate industry. And, Foreclosure Listings Nationwide announces that its company has more than 1.5 million properties for sale.
SilverFast HDRi – The Ideal 64Bit Archive-Format for Images Containing the Maximum Dynamic Range Now Also Includes Dust and Scratches Information...
KIEL, Germany and SARASOTA, Fla. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- LaserSoft Imaging releases the new SilverFast 6.6.1, world-wide the first software generating perfect raw data from photos and slides. In order to generate perfect digital RAW data scanned from your originals, LaserSoft Imaging has developed a new 64 bit HDRi format for SilverFast 6.6.1 which not only contains complete image data but also has embedded the dust and scratch information from the scanner's infrared channel.
Investors Eye Foreclosure Declines, Home Price Increases
NEW YORK, N.Y. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Despite recent negative information about the job market in the United States, the housing market is beginning to show some signs of improvement shows the latest Foreclosure Listings report. Investors wanting to take advantage of the slumping prices and frequent foreclosures, particularly in some of the top markets, may need to act more quickly.