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National News Desk

National News Desk
National News Items including business, finance, technology and non-profit news stories which are not created by Florida Newswire.

Investors Eye Foreclosure Declines, Home Price Increases

NEW YORK, N.Y. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Despite recent negative information about the job market in the United States, the housing market is beginning to show some signs of improvement shows the latest Foreclosure Listings report. Investors wanting to take advantage of the slumping prices and frequent foreclosures, particularly in some of the top markets, may need to act more quickly.

BONE FIRE Smokehouse Invites BBQ Fans to Cast their Votes on ‘LIVE with Regis and Kelly’

KINGSPORT, Tenn. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- LIVE with Regis and Kelly's producers are kicking-off a nationwide search for the best grill recipe and they're asking their viewers for help with the 'Ultimate Hometown Grill Off.' One regional chef has a good chance, but needs your help. Erich Soll, Executive Chef at BONE FIRE Smokehouse in Downtown Kingsport, Tenn., has been selected as having one of the top 5 ribs recipes in the nation, with his succulent Smoked Ribs with Fightin' Irish Whiskey Sauce.

New Art Book Combines Chaos, God and Sex with Digital Imaging: ‘Fractopia’ by Christopher Simmons

REDONDO BEACH, Calif. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Christopher Simmons' 'Fractopia' (ISBN: 978-0-9710555-0-6, hardcover - limited edition, Neotrope Press), collects the best of Simmons' abstract images created by combining fractal imagery with photographic effects, textures and hand-applied layers. This special edition includes a video DVD with slide show of all images found in the book. Some of the art has been called sexual in nature, including the piece called 'godheart.'

Financial Foundation Group Texas – A World without Breast Cancer

SAN ANTONIO, Texas (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- December of 2004 was a tough time for Tiffany Heinzelman, wife of one of the founders of the Financial Foundation Group. She was just 34 years old; had a 2 year old daughter at home and a husband who was opening a new branch office. Tiffany had just returned from a family vacation and discovered a lump under her right arm pit. Blood tests were done and calmed her initial fear; her white cells were fine so it was not cancer or an infection.

No More ‘Jon and Kate’ Casualties

PLAINVIEW, N.Y. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Dr. David Kreiner, a nationally renowned reproductive specialist, takes on the long-standing moral and medical dilemma of multiples with a unique approach to IVF designed to make single embryo transfer the standard of care available to everyone. Kreiner's East Coast Fertility center offers a critical twist on routine IVF services, with the new Single Embryo Incentive Program.

Occupational Therapists Take Animal Therapies Beyond Special Equestrians

WARRINGTON, Pa. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- A dedication to their young clients has led Deb Saffren and Kim Hartranft, two Occupational Therapists at Special Equestrians, to broaden the scope of their work in animal assisted therapies. Every Monday Deb and Kim come to work at Special Equestrians providing Hippotherapy, which is Occupational Therapy on the back of the horse. 'During this interaction, I know that the child does not feel like they are participating in yet another therapy session. Instead, they are riding a horse,' says Deb Saffern.

New Web Site Helps Anyone Assist Humanity’s Transformation Into a Global Brain

BONITA, Calif. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Over the last five years or so, new Web 2.0 tools have hit society like one wave after another: MySpace, Skype, Facebook, YouTube, all the various iPhone and Blackberry applications, and now Twitter. The effect, according to social scientists, is to vastly increase both the complexity and content of communication, such that the planet appears more and more like a vast integrated Mind, akin to James Lovelock's 'Gaia' or Pierre Teilhard de Chardin's 'Noosphere.' This is the rationale for the World Mind Network.

Financial Foundation Group Texas – Building Futures

SAN ANTONIO, Texas (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- 2009 has provided the Financial Foundation Group many opportunities to help others. Even though the economy and the stock market have hit many hard, the Financial Foundation Group has been diligent about providing assistance to those in need. Delia Rios spearheaded the venture for the entire San Antonio office to contribute to the Metro San Antonio Habitat for Humanity on June 6th, 2009.

Thanks to President Obama, Everyday is a Campaign

NEW YORK, N.Y. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- ElectionMall launches new social media tools - great for candidates from school board to President. As technology continues to drive political participation at all levels, the need for the latest tools makes all the difference as candidates, from the school board to the White House, look to engage voters, raise money and win on Election Day.

ForeclosureDeals.com Does the Research for Its Clients

MIAMI, Fla. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- ForeclosureDeals.com, a leading online foreclosure listings service announces that real estate executives say the regions that saw the biggest price spikes during the bubble continue to wrestle with the most foreclosures: California, Florida, Nevada and Arizona.

LegalizeFerrets.org’s YouTube Video Contest – Voting Starts June 29th through July 4th

LA MESA, Calif. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- LegalizeFerrets.org, an organization of people interested in legalizing ferrets in California, is conducting their second annual YouTube Video Contest. Nine videos have been entered and the only prize is $500 cash. Legalize Ferrets is conducting an Environmental Impact Report as required from the California Department of Fish and Game. Their mailing list and support continue to grow and the video contest is a great expression of the hope, pain and fear California ferret enthusiasts live with.

Pole-Wrap Launches Two New Products to Enhance a Home’s Beauty

TROY, Mich. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- After years of success with the Pole-Wrap, a product that transforms unsightly basement poles into attractive interior decor, Pole-Wrap, Inc. has added two new products - the Pole-Wrap Drink Shelf and the Pole-Wrap Extension. Both items will be available for purchase after July 1.

MMDI Announces Agreement with Novation to Supply the Rebound HRD

MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Minnesota Medical Development, Inc. (MMDI) today announced that it has been awarded an agreement under Novation's 'New Medical Technology' program to supply its Rebound HRD and Rebound HRD V (hernia repair devices) to their alliance members, which includes: acute hospitals and systems, academic medical centers and ambulatory care facilities. The Rebound HRD® and HRD V are intended to assist in the repair and/or reinforcement of hernia or other soft tissue defects where weakness exists.

As Unemployment Continues to Climb, Many Parents Are Concerned About the Cost of Preschool Tuition

MESA, Ariz. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- As the unemployment rate climbs to over 9 percent (according to Bureau of Labor Statistics, The Employment Situation: May 2009), many financially strained families may feel pressure to send their young children to preschool. Authors Renee and Mike Mosiman help those parents who choose not to send their young children to school in their new book, 'The Smarter Preschooler: Unlocking Your Child's Intellectual Potential' (ISBN: 978-0-9816426-5-9).

Get Long-Term Care Protection Now; Don’t Wait for Health Reform, Industry Leader Advises

KIRKLAND, Wash. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- If and when Congress passes health reform legislation, it may or may not include a public option for long-term care, the assistance with daily living required by millions suffering from long-lasting illnesses or disabilities. If you're in the market for long-term care insurance, should you wait and see what materializes? Denise Gott says no; there's too much to lose and little to gain. Gott is Chairman of the Board of LTC Financial Partners LLC, one of the nation's largest and most experienced long-term care insurance agencies.

Bookbinder’s Soups and Seasonings Division Acquired by Pennsylvania Corporation

PHILADELPHIA, Pa. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Bookbinder Specialties, a Pennsylvania company, acquired the Bookbinder's Soup and Seasonings Division from the Stephens' Original Foods Company of Huntingdon Valley, PA, on June 23, 2009. The soups and seasonings are based on favorite recipes from the Old Original Bookbinder's restaurant, established in 1865 in Philadelphia's historic Old City.

Curvy Pillow Company Presents New YouTube Video Demonstrating the Incredible Transformation of Rectangular Bed Pillows Into Curvy Functional Shapes

CHICAGO, Ill. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- 'Have you ever been poked in the eye by the pointy corner of your rectangular bed pillow?' Pillow Designer and Spokesperson for the Curvy Pillow Company, Pam Blumenthal, was recently quoted as saying 'It's ridiculous, but it's no joke - people do get poked by pointy-cornered pillows. Why would we want to sleep with rectangles anyway? The only reason that we all sleep with rectangular bed pillows is that it's the easiest shape for manufacturing.'

SecuGen Offers Free SDKs for Fingerprint Software Development

SANTA CLARA, Calif. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- SecuGen, the world's leading optical fingerprint device vendor, is pleased to announce that it is now providing all of its industry leading fingerprint template extraction and matching SDKs free of charge. Included in SecuGen's wide selection of Software Developer Kits are SDKs for Windows Vista, Windows CE, Linux, Solaris and more.

Effective Hazardous Waste Training Reduces Liability and Fines

LAFAYETTE, N.J. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Lion Technology Inc., a nationally renowned regulatory compliance training firm, will present several two-day workshops on hazardous waste management in the region next month. Workshops will be held in Williamsburg, VA on July 9-10; Charlotte, NC on July 13-14; Atlanta, GA on July 16-17; Orlando, FL on July 20-21; and Birmingham, AL on July 23-24.

The Vegan Monologues asks the Burning Question: Is that a Carrot in your Pocket?

BALTIMORE, Md. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Apprentice House announces publication of its latest book, 'The Vegan Monologues' (ISBN 9781934074367), which guides readers through the world of being vegan, traveling life's path as an herbivore in a treacherous world of carnivores. Whether explaining how vegetarian guys get the girls, exploring an addiction to Chinese takeout, or being sequestered in the 'garden salad zone,' author Ben Shaberman's gentle sense of humor sheds light on what it means to go meatless.