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Obeidy and Associates, P.A.

Obeidy and Associates (OBD Legal) Wins Discrimination Lawsuit Against Broward County Sheriff’s Office

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla., /FLORIDA NEWSWIRE/ -- Obeidy and Associates, P.A. (OBD Legal) announces that it recently represented Scott Thomas, Plaintiff, against the Broward County Sheriff's Office (BCSD), Defendant, and won the initial case as well as follow-up appeals. A. Andrew Obeidy, Esq., senior litigator, who represented Thomas in Federal District Court said that it was "the highlight of my career to represent this patriot who wore the cloth of our country."
Broward County Crime Commission Hosts Webinar

Broward County Crime Commission Hosts Webinar, Active Shooters Among Us: Are the Solutions that Complex?

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. /FLORIDA NEWSWIRE/ -- As part of its Building Bridges Mental Health Conference Series, the Broward County Crime Commission is hosting a preemption and prevention-based webinar to analyze outside the box solutions to stop Active Shooter tragedies. 15 of the most renowned experts in the country are participating.