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JP Kelly, OpenClose President, Named to HousingWire’s 2016 Vanguard Award List

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- OpenClose, an enterprise-class, multi-channel loan origination system (LOS) provider, announced that HousingWire honored its president, JP Kelly, with its second annual Vanguard Award. The list recognizes highly successful executives who are making a positive difference in their respective fields across the mortgage industry.
Florida-based OpenClose

OpenClose named by HousingWire as a Top 100 Most Innovative Technology Company for 2015

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- OpenClose, an enterprise-class end-to-end loan origination system (LOS) provider, announced that it has been named to HousingWire magazine's second annual HWTECH 100(TM) list for 2015. HW TECH100 honors the 100 most innovative technology companies serving the U.S. mortgage finance and real estate industries.