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Kelly Roofing in Naples FL Celebrates 50 Years

Kelly Roofing in Naples FL Celebrates 50 Years of Helping Florida Roof Owners

NAPLES, Fla. /FLORIDA NEWSWIRE/ -- Kelly Roofing, an award-winning roofing company, celebrates their 50th anniversary on June 13, 2022. The company was founded by Joe Kelly, Sr., in 1972 and is now run by his son, Ken Kelly. For decades, Kelly Roofing has helped Florida homeowners extend the lifespan of their roofs, and they plan to expand geographically in the coming years.
Dynamo SportSwings

‘Better than crutches’ Dynamo SportSwings – Medtech Pros Create Breakthrough Mobility Technology

NAPLES, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- Healthcare innovator Dynamo today announced the rollout of Dynamo SportSwings. Designed as a replacement for the common, underarm crutch, it reflects the most advanced, top-to-bottom redesign since the days of the Egyptian pharaohs.