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XVALA Defaces Banksy Steve Jobs Mural to Make a Point in ‘Meme Party’

NEW YORK CITY, N.Y., March 20, 2019 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- American artist XVALA will open his MEME PARTY campaign with an extreme modification of Banksy's mural painting of Steve Jobs in Calais, France, known as "The Son of a Migrant from Syria". XVALA will unveil his work at an event on April 27, 2019 in the Bowery. All pieces in the campaign make use of a variety of politically-charged and often controversial memes.

Recent Social Unrest Inspires ‘Fear Google’ Artist to ‘Grave Rob’ Muhammad Ali, Bruce Lee for Work of Art

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif., Aug. 16, 2017 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- A ground-breaking work of art by the "Fear Google" artist XVALA is set to be debuted on August 19 during the March on Google in Mountain View, California. Dubbed "The Diversity Belt," XVALA plans to wear his latest work of art in public at the March On Google to publicly share his point of view regarding Americans' First Amendment rights.
Artist XVALA

XVALA exhibit to display artist nude selfies in place of stolen nude pics inspired by online outrage

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- XVALA, the L.A. artist who planned to display the newly leaked images of celebrities Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton, along with other celebrity compromised images, will, instead, feature the artist's self-shot, life-size, nude images next month at Cory Allen Contemporary Art (CACA) in Florida.
Artist XVALA

Offbeat urban artist XVALA scoops leaked celebrity selfies for nude gallery show in Florida

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- Cory Allen Contemporary Art (CACA) today announced that the recently leaked nude images of Academy Award-winning actress Jennifer Lawrence will be the latest additions to L.A. artist XVALA's 'Fear Google' campaign and will be on display to the public, unaltered, in the artist's upcoming show 'No Delete' next month at CACA's The Showroom; located in the Warehouse Arts District in Saint Petersburg, Fla.
Cory Allen Contemporary Art

Cory Allen Contemporary Art announces opening of World’s First PR Gallery in Florida

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- Cory Allen Contemporary Art (CACA) today announced it will open the doors to its new concept 'The Showroom,' the world's first public relations gallery, this Thursday in the Warehouse Arts District in Saint Petersburg, Fla. The Showroom is a collaboration between the mechanics of public relations (PR) and the traditional characteristics of a fine arts gallery.