National US News

National newswire stories from across the U.S., sourced from the Neotrope® News Network

West Auctions Announces Industrial Rack Manufacturing Bankruptcy Sale

LODI, Calif. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- West Auctions, a commercial and industrial auction company, announces the bankruptcy auction of Excel Storage Products to take place on January 19, 2011. Interested bidders may register to bid from now until 9:00 a.m. PST that same day.

Yale Appliance Brings New Year’s Resolutions to Life – Boston Appliance and Lighting Retailer to Assist with Customers’ 2011 Renovation Plans

BOSTON, Mass. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- The beginning of every new year is a chance for many to resolve to improve their lives. Most decide to get healthier or start a new career, goals they must accomplish by themselves. For those looking to upgrade their homes with a new appliance or lighting fixture in 2011, however, support is a click away: Yale Appliance and Lighting is helping their Facebook fans with their home-renovation resolutions.

Southeast Computer Solutions Hires Fernando Lollini, CPA, Continues to Expand Operations in Latin America

MIAMI, Fla. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Southeast Computer Solutions (SCS), a Sage Select Business Partner, has announced that Fernando Lollini, CPA, has joined the SCS team as Senior Implementer of MAS 500 to serve SCS customers in Latin America.

Gingrich Foundation Honors Catholic Charities USA as Charity of the Month

WASHINGTON, D.C. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- This January, as part of its ongoing Charity of the Month program, the Gingrich Foundation honors Catholic Charities USA for its outstanding legacy of service to those in need.

Virtual Law Partners LLP Welcomes Denise Zack to its Commercial Lending Practice

PALO ALTO, Calif. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Virtual Law Partners LLP is very pleased to announce that Denise Zack has joined the firm's Commercial Lending practice. Ms. Zack joins VLP from the Virginia office of Cooley LLP, where she served as special counsel in the Credit Finance and Leasing Finance practice groups and represented both institutional lenders and company borrowers in debt financings.

Job Expert Bob J. Gerberg Reveals How Stories Help You Succeed in a Job Interview

NEW YORK, N.Y. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- People don't remember numbers or excessive facts, but they do remember a good story. So it makes sense that if you're telling and using stories in your job search and interviews, people are going to remember you too. Pioneered by Robert J. Gerberg, senior consultant at SET, a personal marketing firm working with executives, professionals and managers seeking $100,000 or more, the technique is something SET teaches clients to use.

Lift361 Begins Development of Retail Decision Analytics Solutions for Microsoft Dynamics CRM

ATLANTA, Ga. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Lift361, LLC, a leading marketing analytics firm dedicated to empowering retailers' strategies and tactics with data, today announced its intent to develop Retail Decision Analytics solutions for Microsoft Dynamics CRM. These solutions will enable retailers to leverage their Customer Relationship Management (CRM) investment to drive sales lift and maximize customer lifetime value, using its advanced algorithms, predictive modeling and reporting.

CMI Adds Two New Individuals to its Client Services and Technology Teams in Fourth Quarter

ATLANTA, Ga. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- CMI, a full-service marketing research company, has added two new professionals to its team: Laurie Gaby, project manager, and Juan Hernandez, network administrator. As one of the fastest growing marketing research firms in the nation, CMI continues to expand its client services and technology support staff in order to satisfy CMI's growing client base.

Cogent Technology Group offers Market-Data Distribution Service in ERCOT Service Region

DALLAS, Texas (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Cogent Technology Group announced today that they are now offering a Data Distribution Service (DDS) of ERCOT Nodal data to market-participants in the ERCOT service region of the Texas electricity market. The service utilizes Cogent's Data Flow Manager (DFM) software to manage the extract data made available to market-participants on the ERCOT MIS portal. Cogent will maintain databases containing extract data for each market-participant client.

Neotrope Celebrates 28th Anniversary by Offering PR Grants and Discounts Program for U.S. Charitable Organizations

TORRANCE, Calif. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Neotrope today announced it has, as part of the company's 28th anniversary this year, expanded its discount program for U.S.-based non-profit organizations 'doing good,' and also pre-announced the 2011 Neotrope PR Grants program. California-based Neotrope will provide discounts of 28% off to those charitable organizations needing assistance with public relations and online marketing.

Business & Decision and New Strategies Partner in Order to Bring Industry Leading ERP Solutions to the Pharmaceutical Industry

PHOENIX, Ariz. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- As a part of Business & Decision's ongoing focus in the Life Science market, we are delighted to announce a partnership with New Strategies, the creators of 'AX for Pharma' an industry leading Enterprise Resource Planning solution for the Pharmaceutical industry. This solution, which is based on Microsoft Dynamics AX, has been designed to address the primary business process needs of a Life Science / Pharmaceutical organization.

Publishers Newswire Announces Q4-2010 ‘Books to Bookmark’ List of 12 Interesting New Books to Start New Year

LOS ANGELES, Calif. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- For the fourth quarter of 2010, Publishers Newswire (PNW), an online resource established in 2004 for small publishers, as well as lesser known and first-time book authors, has today announced its latest semi-annual 'Books to Bookmark' list. This is a round-up of 12 new and recent books which may have been missed due to not originating from major New York book publishing houses, reality television 'stars,' or other 'big name' authors.

UN Launches 2011 Ocean Healing Strategy with Aztecs on New Years Dawn

PUERTO VALLARTA, Mexico (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- 'This New Year's Dawn, 7-8 a.m., January 1st, Mexico's renowned Aztecas, Mayans and Huichols, on behalf of the United Nations, will dance humanity back into our ancient earth-honoring way of being in 2011, at Puerto Vallarta's Los Muertos Pier,' said Olympic skier Suzy 'Chapstick Chaffee, co-chair of Native American Olympic Team Foundation (NAOTF).

New Upgraded EASEUS Todo Backup Home 2.0 Available for Advanced Backup and Recovery Solution!

NEW YORK CITY, N.Y. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- EASEUS Software, a leading provider of storage management and data backup and disaster recovery solutions for Windows-based environments, today announces the availability of EASEUS Todo Backup Home 2.0. With more powerful and advanced features added, EASEUS Todo Backup Home 2.0 is an all-in-one backup and recovery solution that makes it easy to protect your PCs from disasters.

GIV-N-GET LLC Announces Launch of

PLACERVILLE, Calif. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- When the closet holds more things you don't use than things you do, when the garage is so full of stuff that you can't put a car in it or the basement is too full to hold another box, a new web site: launched by three people to promote local generosity and giving (Company Name: GIV-N-GET LLC) offers a way to give your things away directly to others for FREE.

New Book – A Patzer’s Story – Draws Parallels between Chess and Depression

MORRISTOWN, N.J. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- MBD Consulting announced this week the release of 'A Patzer's Story' (ISBN: 978-1-4560-3797-0), authored by its managing director, Timothy A. Sawyer, and published by PublishAmerica. In the book, Sawyer outlines his battle with depression and draws parallels between that and his passion for chess.

New Android App Features Pin-Up Girls You Can Interact With

ATLANTA, Ga. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- The Ring Collective, an Atlanta based interactive development company, today announced the launch of its new Fliptease app for the Android. The app celebrates pin-up girls with beautiful photography and adds a modern twist. The app encourages fans to suggest what they want to see in future updated versions and also invites women to model for the app by simply submitting photos via email. Launched on December 13, 2010, and is now Available to the Public

BEULAH, Colo. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Barrie Watson is the owner and operator of the website, as well as a devoted bookseller and gold investor. For those seeking advice and insight on gold collecting, gold investing, book collecting, or great literatures, his site provides all that and more.

SmartStops Equity Risk Indicators Now Available to European Investors

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- announced today that Cortal Consors S.A., a subsidiary of BNP Paribas, has incorporated SmartStops equity risk indicators into their website delivering powerful new risk management capabilities to their clients.

Foreclosure Filings 2010 Statistics Show No Shortage of Foreclosed Homes

MIAMI, Fla. (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) -- Record numbers of foreclosures hit the market in 2010, as well as record numbers of people looking to buy them, reports Foreclosure Deals, a leading online provider of foreclosure news and information, in a year-end Foreclosure Filings 2010 review. The record-breaking trend of 2009 continued throughout the year, as foreclosures have remained high and many experts are expecting them to climb even higher in 2011.