self-help bookALEXANDRIA, Va., April 26 (SEND2PRESS NEWSWIRE) — Tammy Gagnon announced this week the release of her new book, “No Longer Silent” (ISBN: 978-0-578-06895-4), an autobiography that depicts years of emotional and sexual abuse, culminating in forgiveness and rebuilding.

“The first step was to love me,” says Gagnon. “And, through this self-discovery came this autobiography which serves to provide awareness for other victims of sexual abuse and demonstrates that there is a way to overcome adverse circumstances and to rebuild a meaningful life.”

“No Longer Silent” encourages victims to seek professional treatment and blends personal narrative with educational advice. The author includes a discussion of essential goals that need to be met to begin the healing process.

Gagnon details personal sexual abuse accounts by her grandfather at the early age of nine. These experiences quickly led to an adolescent life of drug abuse and rebellion, ending in leaving home at 14 and living on the street.

The book traces her relationships and experiences and illustrates how the author went from being an honor roll student to having several stints in jail and ultimately prison time.

It answers questions about how one woman battles back from the edge and thrives in a new life. It addresses how to stop self-blame and how to learn to forgive and rebuild. She shares her journey from a life of horror to one that she is now grateful to have.

Ultimately, “No Longer Silent” is an emotional read that depicts the pain and suffering that sexual abuse victims endure and documents how they can piece their lives back together again.

The book is available for $14.95 at: It can also be found on major book retailer sites such as

About the Author:
Tammy Gagnon was born in Washington D.C. and grew up in Alexandria, Va. She is the mother of two and currently lives with her daughter and grandson in Virginia, long removed from her tumultuous past. Today, she lectures at rehabilitation facilities, sexual crisis centers and schools around the country. Her mission is to provide a voice to those who have been silenced and to deliver a message of hope. She is also a passionate advocate of psychological treatment to help deal with repressed feelings of anger and resentment.

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