GAINESVILLE, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ — A White Paper recently released by the Perth Leadership Institute ( and written by leadership educator and author Dr. E. Ted Prince concludes that all three Presidential front runners focus on economic resource redistribution rather than economic value creation. The paper documents how the candidates “business acumen” will all create adverse long-term impacts on U.S.’ global competitive position, but to varying degrees, with Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton likely having least adverse impact.

This economic white paper analyzes the three front runner U.S. presidential candidates from a novel and intriguing perspective; their impact on the economy and U.S. global leadership and competitiveness. This research answers questions as to whether the candidates will keep the U.S. in the forefront of the world’s leading countries and societies based on their behavioral financial traits. It concludes that none of the three will have such an impact and the choice is between who will have the least adverse impact on the U.S.’ world leadership and competitive position.

The paper examines in detail the business acumen characteristics ( of the three front-runners and shows who is likely to have the most and the least adverse impacts on the U.S. global position. The White Paper does not attempt to judge the front-runners on other aspects of their policies and impacts, focusing only on this particular issue.

See Perth Leadership’s Presidential Candidate blog at to comment on the White Paper.

This economic assessment is based on a new set of behavioral finance tools designed to measure business acumen developed by the Perth Leadership Institute whose approach is set out in the book, “The Three Financial Styles of Very Successful Leaders,” published by McGraw-Hill in 2005, written by Dr. E. Ted Prince, Founder and CEO of the Institute.

These economic personality tools measure the propensity of a leader to create societal and business value. Where a leader creates more value than resources utilized, capital is created stimulating U.S. competitiveness and bolstering its global leadership position.

According to Dr. E. Ted Prince: “Value creation by leaders, whether they be political or business, is more than a matter of wise stewardship of resources. It is, or should be, also about value creation. Analysis of all these three leaders reveals that they are far more about resource redistribution than about value creation. This has huge, and adverse, ramifications for the U.S. global competitive and leadership position now and in the future. This aspect has been lost in the general political debate. It is for this reason that we have conducted this analysis.”

The Perth Leadership Institute of Gainesville, Florida was founded by veteran CEO and leadership educator, Dr. E. Ted Prince. The Institute has developed proprietary leadership assessment tools and a unique leadership performance improvement approach, the Perth Leadership Outcome Model(TM) (PLOM). PLOM(TM) identifies the Financial Signature(R) and the financial mission of senior leaders to improve their valuation impact and the competitive outcome of the enterprises or the organizations they lead. This approach goes beyond conventional competency-based and psychological approaches. Instead it introduces a new outcome-based approach that is based on extensive research carried out with CEOs and senior executives.