Book News

News about Florida book authors, books and related

Now What? I Got a Tax Notice from the IRS. Help!

New Book ‘Now What? I Got a Tax Notice from the IRS. Help!’ released today by Jeffrey Schneider EA

STUART, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- SFS Tax Problem Solutions Press announces the release of "Now What? I Got a Tax Notice from the IRS. Help!" (ISBN: 978-0692997154) by Jeffrey Schneider. "Now What?" is available nationwide today in paperback. It will be published in an eBook edition in March and an audio book edition in June 2018.
Nutrition; Managing Meals through a C. difficile Infection

C Diff Foundation Launches Book, ‘Nutrition – Managing Meals through a C. difficile Infection’

TAMPA, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- The C Diff Foundation announces the release of a nutritional guide, "Nutrition; Managing Meals through a C. difficile Infection" (ISBN: 978-1973304241) authored by Nancy C. Caralla, C Diff Foundation's Foundress, Executive Director and three time C. difficile Infection Survivor and co-author Karen F. Factor, MBA, RDN,CSR, LDN, C Diff Foundation Registered Dietitian during November 2017 Clostridium difficile (C. difficile, C.diff.) Infection Awareness Month.
Surgeon Kristine Guleserian

The 50th Anniversary of first Heart Transplant is Special to Veteran Surgeon Kristine Guleserian

MIAMI, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- December 3, 2017 marks the 50th anniversary of the world's first human-to-human heart transplant, notes Mark Oristano, author of "Surgeons' Story" (ISBN: 978-1935953784). South African physician Dr. Christiaan Barnard performed the surgery which astonished the world in Capetown. The patient, 54-year old Louis Washkansky, lived with another person's heart pumping his blood for 18 days.
Inner Peace Outer Abundance

Christ Family Church at Tradition Town Hall hosts the ‘Inner Peace Outer Abundance’ Book launch with Kim Ha Campbell

PORT ST. LUCIE, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- Motivational, informational and inspirational speaker and trainer Kim Ha Campbell, the author of "Inner Peace Outer Abundance" (ISBN: 978-1457556531) is coming to Christ Family Church at Tradition Town Hall on Tuesday, September 12, 2017 for a book release party and speaking event.
Music Business For Dummies

Book Release Party for ‘Music Business For Dummies’ at Grind and Grape, where you can legally sing ‘Happy Birthday’

VERO BEACH, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- Loren Weisman, a music business advisor and the author of 'Music Business For Dummies' (ISBN: 978-1119049654), announces on June 29, Grind and Grape in Vero Beach will be hosting a book release party for Loren and the book. The new For Dummies(R) book is described as 'your companion on your journey to the music career you want.'

Age Management Medicine Group Conference: Release and Book Signing of BioTE Medical Pres. Gary Donovitz MD ‘Age Healthier Live Happier’

ORLANDO, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- BioTE Medical President and Founder Gary Donovitz M.D. releases his book 'Age Healthier Live Happier - Avoiding Over-Medication through Natural Hormone Balance' (ISBN: 9780990706458) to kick off the Age Management Medicine Group Conference at JW Marriott / Ritz Carlton Grande Lakes April 23-26, 2015.
Your Life IQ book

New book reveals how Mind-Body-Spirit disciplines dramatically change your life

VERO BEACH, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- Natalia Alexandria, highly sought-after life coach, unveils her latest book 'Your Life IQ' (ISBN: 978-0578138107). This new book helps readers develop their innate ability to solve life challenges and provides all the tools necessary to ignite a thriving mind-body-spirit.
WB & The 10 Good Things

Critically acclaimed new illustrated children’s book aims to instill the ‘value of good deeds’ in children

MIAMI, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- Many people think it is about time that a children's book was published that has the ability to skillfully instill positive and inspirational values. Whilly Bermudez has stepped-up to the plate with his latest book entitled, 'WB and The 10 Good Things.' For children ages 5-8, this is a 'feel-good' book that parents will enjoy sharing with their kids. The book is available from the author's website and also on Amazon as a Kindle Edition.
Corey Weiner

Available this summer from Hypothesis Publishing Company is the first-ever next generation dating book, ‘Lion Taming’

MIAMI, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- Available now from Hypothesis Publishing Company is the first-ever next-generation dating book, 'Lion Taming: How Busy Professional Women Avoid the Seven Most Disappointing Suitors and Date Higher,' by Corey Weiner. In store for readers is a concise, info-packed read encouraging women to discriminate - politely that is - in their romantic lives without changing a thing about themselves or manipulating others.
Long Journey with Mr. Jefferson

William G. Hyland Jr.’s book ‘Long Journey with Mr. Jefferson’ expounds on the relationship between historian Dumas Malone and Jefferson

TAMPA, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- The magisterial 'collaboration' over half a lifetime between historian Dumas Malone and his subject, Thomas Jefferson, is the basis for William G. Hyland Jr.'s compelling book, 'Long Journey with Mr. Jefferson' (ISBN: 9781612341972). Malone, the courtly and genteel historian from Mississippi, spent 38 years researching and writing the definitive biography of the man who 'invented the United States of America.'

Author Brett Handler Urges Parents to be Vigilant in Advance of New Federal Credit Card Rules

PALM BEACH GARDENS /Florida Newswire/ -- The federal government is clamping down on the Wild West of credit card issuing to young adults when...

‘The Handbook of Program Management’ added to U.S. FAI Recommended Reading List

ORLANDO, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- SEBA(R) Solutions Inc. announces that "The Handbook of Program Management" (ISBN-13: 978-0071494724) has been added to the United States...

New Book Reveals The Nuclear Attack They Didn’t Tell Us About

MIAMI, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- In a new book from Createspace Publishing, "Under Nuclear Attack" (IBSN 978-1438253619, 338 pages, $9.95, currently available at,...

A Prosecutor’s Anguish…The Untold Story of The Atlanta Courthouse Shootings

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- Widely anticipated new book about the Atlanta Courthouse Shootings, written by respected trial attorney, turned author, Shoran Reid. "Waking...