National US News

National newswire stories from across the U.S., sourced from the Neotrope® News Network

Business and Decision Announces the Expansion of Their Strategic Relationship with QlikTech

WAYNE, Pa. -- Business and Decision, a leading international Consulting and Systems Integration company, today announced the expansion of its relationship with QlikTech, as part of an ongoing focus to provide high value Business Intelligence solutions to their respective customers.

Personal Business Advisors Works to Cure Executive Unemployment in Alabama

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- Personal Business Advisors, LLC, an organization dedicated to moving the underutilized talents of highly skilled senior corporate executives to small business, has opened a Master Office in Hoover. The company helps senior executives who have become underemployed or unemployed in the recession to find six figure income opportunities in six types of entrepreneurial businesses. And PBA does so at NO CHARGE to the executive.

Register Today for Family Walk 2010! Event Helps Support the Recruitment of Adoptive Families for Children in Foster Care

ROCHESTER, N.Y. -- Children Awaiting Parents, a nonprofit organization dedicated to finding adoptive families for children in foster care, is hosting its annual Family Walk on Saturday, Sept. 25, 2010. Supporters from across the United States are invited to register today for the 2.5 mile Family Walk event.

Sandlin Custom Homes Breaks Ground on New Homesites in the Dallas-Fort Worth Market

DALLAS, Texas -- Signs of a recovering market are becoming more evident. The number of homes and developed lots continues to decrease steadily. One of Dallas-Fort Worth's major homebuilders is doing what seemed impossible 18 month ago - rolling out an entire new phase in one of their most popular north Texas communities.

Long Term Care Insurance Goes Online; Reducing Paper Flow, Leading Agency Offers Applications by Internet

KIRKLAND, Wash. -- If you're in the market for long term care insurance but hate to fill out applications and wait, wait, wait, a leading agency has an alternative for you. Dispense with the paper and the delay; complete an electronic application, with live hand-holding, and get an answer pronto. The agency is LTC Financial Partners LLC (LTCFP), one of the nation's most experienced long term care insurance agencies.

Past Time to Legalize Ferrets in California says

LA MESA, Calif. -- According to Ferrets Anonymous, legalizing pet ferrets affects hundreds of thousands of Californians, even though many citizens may be unfamiliar with the State's 77-year-old ferret ban. The California Veterinary Medical Association has long agreed that pet ferrets should be legal.

OISF Welcomes nPulse Technologies as First Gold Member – nPulse to Host Software QA Testing Lab for Suricata Project

LAFAYETTE, Ind. -- The Open Information Security Foundation (OISF) today announced that nPulse Technologies, LLC has joined the consortium as its first Gold Level member. nPulse will maintain a QA Test lab for Suricata developers at its Charlottesville, VA, facility. Developers will be able to access the nPulse systems remotely.

KnowledgeAdvisors Adds Two Prestigious Members to Its Advisory Board

CHICAGO, Ill. -- KnowledgeAdvisors, Inc. announced today that David Vance and Frank Anderson will be joining their renowned Advisory Board. Vance and Anderson will ensure KnowledgeAdvisors remains focused on executive level talent development reporting and analytics in the public and private sector.

Del Mar DataTrac Partners with CCMC on Loan Data Bridge for Mortgage Banker Regulatory and Investor Compliance Solution

SAN DIEGO, Calif. -- Del Mar DataTrac, Inc. (DMD), the leading provider of affordable end-to-end mortgage lending automation solutions, and CCMC, Inc., the financial industry's premier technology interface provider, have released the DMDBridge, a connectivity tool that automatically moves loan data from a lender's third-party origination system to the DataTrac mortgage banking system of record.

Scott Joss and Doug Colosio Play Classic Country on New Album from Golosio Publishing

LOS ANGELES, Calif. -- Real country by real musicians is the way to describe the new album by Scott Joss and Doug Colosio, 'A Couple of Strangers,' released by Golosio Publishing. The 13-track recording showcases many of the duo's favorite types of music, including Texas Swing, roadhouse roots, and 'good ole' cryin' in yer beer country tunes,' states John Scott G, managing partner of Golosio.

ContinuLink Health Technologies, a Leader in Web-based Home Care Software Responds to Regulatory Change with Rapid Fire Solution

ATLANTA, Ga. -- ContinuLink, a leader in Web-based home care software understands the needs of their users. Within four days of a new CMS Regulation regarding PECOS, ContinuLink users were automatically having their physicians PECOS eligibility checked though our system. ContinuLink believes they were the first system in the country to have integrated real-time PECOS support.

Telovations Ranks in Top 10 of Tampa Bay’s 50 Fastest Growing Companies

TAMPA, Fla. -- Telovations, a leader in delivering hosted business voice services, was named the 10th fastest growing company in Tampa Bay by the Tampa Bay Business Journal at its annual Fast 50 awards luncheon. Telovations increased revenues 265 percent over the past two years, earning it the No. 10 ranking on the business publication's Fast 50 List.

New Customer LG Display Won in Korea by Innovation Framework Technologies, Planisware Partner

NEW YORK, N.Y. -- Innovation Framework Technologies, the premier supplier of innovation management solutions, announces a new joint customer with its partner, Planisware, the leading provider of world-class project and portfolio management solutions for companies across myriad industries - including pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device, energy, aerospace and defense and automotive.

Improper Payments Reduction Plan Makes Sense to CONIX Systems Technology President Frank Stokes, Should Be Applied to Financial Industry

MANCHESTER, Vt. -- Franks Stokes, president of technology for CONIX Systems, Inc., a leading international provider of payment processing solutions to the financial services industry and pioneer in the acceleration of exception processing, agrees with the Obama Administration that reducing systemic drains on the Federal budget by better policing benefits and other types of payments to eliminate 'improper payments' will be a productive government debt reduction strategy.

New Book Helps Small Businesses Save Themselves and Help Save America

WILLIAMSBURG, Va. -- Ascoli Publishing LLC announces the release of 'Go and See: A Journey About Getting To Lean' (ISBN: 978-1-6109500-8-4) by Robert B. Camp, BSE, MBA. Go and See makes a strong case that once a company goes 'Lean,' it fireproofs itself from most of the chaos in today's market - including competitors from countries with cheap labor. And the first step is to 'Go and See.'

Watch LIVE! 97 Pound Woman Attempts Guinness World Records (Set by Men) to Lift Over 90,000 Pounds – In 1 Hour!

SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. -- Thirty years ago, Thienna Ho and her family were Vietnamese boat people who survived a brutal attack by Thai pirates during a treacherous voyage on their way to their new home in San Francisco. Now Thienna is a super-athlete who has broken Guinness World Records (GWR) for feats of strength and endurance. On August 14 she plans to take the men's Guinness World Record for the most weight dead lifted in one hour.

Support a Children’s Charity and Get Free Small Business Promotion and PR Services

TORRANCE, Calif. -- Neotrope, a California based marketing firm, recently 'adopted' Children Awaiting Parents and the Starlight Children's Foundation. To celebrate, throughout July 2010 as part of the adoption program, when a donor gives $50 or more to either charity they will have the opportunity to issue a free national online press release through Neotrope's Send2Press(R) Newswire service, which is syndicated worldwide.

KnowledgeAdvisors Investigates Importance of Informal Learning in Organizations

CHICAGO, Ill. -- KnowledgeAdvisors, the world's largest provider of learning and talent measurement solutions, has announced it has released a brand new whitepaper focusing on informal learning measurement. The research conducted by KnowledgeAdvisors was based upon substantial data collected across diverse industries in an effort to gain a comprehensive representation of the present condition of informal learning.

Life-Changing Coaching Founder to Speak at Magic Johnson’s Life Skills Leadership Conference

CLAREMONT, Calif. -- Life-Changing Coaching announces that Coach Paul has been selected to participate as one of the speakers at this year's Magic Johnson Foundation - Life Skills Leadership Conference, which is being held from Thursday, July 22, 2010, to Tuesday, July 27, 2010 at UCLA.

ShipCom Appoints TCS as HF Radio Consultant

COVINGTON, La. -- ShipCom, a provider of High Frequency (HF) maritime single sideband voice and electronic mail services has appointed Tusa Consulting Services (TCS) as its authorized radio consultant supportive of emergency operations throughout the states of Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana and coastal Texas.