WARRINGTON, Pa. — “I had no idea the first time I photographed for Special Equestrians that I would be so touched by the kids and the staff there,” stated Rosemary Taglialatela, who came in contact with the organization during the Bucks County 5K Run last year when she was photographing the runners for the series, Special Equestrians held a race as part of the series; she’s been coming back ever since. “I grew up with horses, so the smell of the barn took me back to when I was a kid; but it’s the kids that really touched my heart. Seeing the relationship they have with the horses and staff and how it makes a difference in the quality of their lives was eye opening. This is a special place full of special people and I am honored to be their photographer!”

“I was there to shoot a program a few weeks ago. During part of this program the kids on horses were brought up to mirrors and encouraged to make faces and smile as part of their social skills lesson. There is just no way of expressing how it felt when one of those children rode past me and smiled at me. That is a moment that will be with me forever.” She has taken photos of the Sensory Trail, the Autism Program, and a Fundraiser held by the Warrington Community Alliance. “Rosemary has a great eye for the shots she takes,” says Tammy Westney, Executive Director of Special Equestrians. “She has taken photos that we have placed on our website and that we have given to the parents of our young riders, they are just beautiful.”

Rosemary’s work is currently showing at Art Bazaar in Chester NJ. She will be donating an art photograph to the Mercer Museum for their up coming auction event. She shoots portraits, commercial and events. “Recently I shot the Car and Flower Shows at the convention center and am shooting and documenting the behind the scenes of an up coming fashion show in Philly. Locally I will be shooting the Bucks County 5 K series again and will be shooting the Mercer Museum and Special Equestrians events. I am excited to have become the Warrington Community Business Alliance’s house photographer as well.”

Rosemary Taglialatela’s work can be seen on Special Equestrians web site and Pentax Corporations Corporate web site.

Special Equestrians, a Forbes Enterprise Award winner, is a 501(c)3 non-profit therapeutic riding program located at 2800 Street Road in Warrington, Pennsylvania. Our mission is to improve the physical, mental, and emotional well being of individuals with disabilities through the equine experience. Founded in 1982 Special Equestrians has grown from a one horse, one rider, one volunteer program to a thriving organization with 9 horses, 17 staff members, and over 100 volunteers serving 125 children and adults with emotional, mental and physical disabilities each year.

For more information please call 215-918-1001, or visit our website at www.specialequestrians.org.