Entertainment News

Florida Entertainment News – film, celebrity, lifestyle

Stetson mansion tours

Bright House Networks’ Regional Business Awards 2015 in Central Florida names Stetson Mansion Tours and Events a Finalist

ORLANDO, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- Stetson Mansion Tours and Events announced today that it has been named a finalist in the first annual 'Bright House Networks Regional Business Awards' in Central Florida. Stetson Mansion was named a finalist in the Small Business category for the awards, which honor the companies, organizations and people who have impacted, with their products, services, and thought leadership, the Central Florida community.
Stetson Mansion 2014

Top Orlando Travel Destination this Holiday: Stetson hat maker’s Florida mansion opens for ‘Christmas Spectacular!’

ORLANDO, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- The 1886 Victorian mansion of famed hat maker John B. Stetson is now open for its Christmas Spectacular! tours through January 15, 2015. Named 'Florida's most popular attraction' by Trip Advisor, the Mansion's Christmas decorations are considered the most lavish display inside any private Florida home.
Noemi Bosques

Boxer Noemi Bosques lands world title fight against Chantel Cordova at Florida State Fairgrounds – Dec. 13, 2014

TAMPA, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- Noemi Bosques has dreamed about fighting for a world title since her father laced on her first boxing gloves at the tender age of three. On December 13 at the Florida State Fairgrounds, the St. Petersburg native will have her wish come true when she fights Pueblo, Colorado's Chantel Cordova in a 10-round bout for the vacant WBU (World Boxing Union) World Super Flyweight Championship, PPR Management announced today.

Florida’s Most Popular Attraction, ‘Christmas Spectacular!’ Opens at the Historic Stetson Mansion Nov. 15

DELAND, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- Designer decorations from around the world embellish the historic Stetson Mansion for 2 months starting November 15, 2014. Named 'Florida's most popular attraction' by Tripadvisor, the mansion endeavors to outdo all other holiday decorations in Florida. Famed hat maker John B. Stetson originally built this private ornate mansion in 1886.

Four Seasons Christmas Trees helps decorate Stetson Mansion’s 2014 ‘Christmas Spectacular!’ near Orlando

DELAND, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- It snowed inside the Stetson Mansion this week thanks to a tree flocking company in Central Florida. 'Four Seasons Christmas Trees has helped transform our reception parlor into a frozen forest,' said owner JT Thompson. 'You can't tell the inside from the outside anymore! The funny thing is we all found out that anything can be flocked!' Stetson Mansion 2014 'Christmas Spectacular!' Tours run Nov. 15 thru Jan. 15 2015.
Christmas Spectacular

Art of quilting plus artistic talents of various Orlando designers featured at 2014 Stetson Mansion ‘Christmas Spectacular!’

DELAND, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- The Quilt Shop of DeLand and the Quilting Guild of the Villages will be partnering with the 1886 Stetson Mansion for a unique holiday quilting event Nov. 15 thru Jan. 15, 2015. The combination of quilting with the artistic talents of various Orlando designers at the annual Stetson Mansion 'Christmas Spectacular!' will be a must see during the holiday season.

Stetson Mansion Christmas Spectacular 2014 – named Florida’s Most Popular Attraction by TripAdvisor

DELAND, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- The holiday season is coming up soon and if you are in need of a sure-fire way to get in the holiday spirit, plan to experience 'The Stetson Mansion Christmas Spectacular.' Over-the-top designer decorations from around the world dress up Florida's largest, grandest and most historic home ever built before the 20th century. The 1886 private estate is open to the public for 8 weeks starting November 15, 2014.
Artist XVALA

XVALA exhibit to display artist nude selfies in place of stolen nude pics inspired by online outrage

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- XVALA, the L.A. artist who planned to display the newly leaked images of celebrities Jennifer Lawrence and Kate Upton, along with other celebrity compromised images, will, instead, feature the artist's self-shot, life-size, nude images next month at Cory Allen Contemporary Art (CACA) in Florida.
Artist XVALA

Offbeat urban artist XVALA scoops leaked celebrity selfies for nude gallery show in Florida

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- Cory Allen Contemporary Art (CACA) today announced that the recently leaked nude images of Academy Award-winning actress Jennifer Lawrence will be the latest additions to L.A. artist XVALA's 'Fear Google' campaign and will be on display to the public, unaltered, in the artist's upcoming show 'No Delete' next month at CACA's The Showroom; located in the Warehouse Arts District in Saint Petersburg, Fla.
Science Proving Creationinsm book

‘Science Proving Creationism’ by Professor Solomon Huriash Reveals Breakthroughs in Biblical Research

FT. LAUDERDALE, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- A new book, 'Science Proving Creationism' (ISBN: 9780961809850), by Professor Solomon Huriash, is the only work of its kind on the market that literally proves each and every verse of the Biblical story of creation is in sync with the teachings of modern science. Published by Land Publishing Corporation, a project like this has never been done before.
Daniel Edwards depicts Pope Francis

Artist Daniel Edwards depicts Pope Francis in a ‘true fraternity for gay pride’

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- In response to Pope Francis' wish for 'a wonderful World Cup, played in a spirit of true fraternity,' offbeat artist Daniel Edwards depicts the pope in a 'true fraternity for gay pride' banner, showing support for the pope's aggressive efforts for human rights and equality, that will debut in St. Petersburg, Fla. this month, announces Cory Allen Contemporary Art (CACA).
balladeer Ed Verner

Florida’s balladeer Ed Verner announces his 34th song release, ‘Angel of Mercy’

PLANT CITY, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- Taking a passionate hobby to the next level is a real challenge that many fail, but Florida businessman and songwriter Ed Verner is making headway this year, today announcing his 34th song release, "Angel of Mercy." Since the summer of 2013, Ed Verner's work has grown steadily, with over 33 original song releases.
Cory Allen Contemporary Art

Cory Allen Contemporary Art announces opening of World’s First PR Gallery in Florida

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- Cory Allen Contemporary Art (CACA) today announced it will open the doors to its new concept 'The Showroom,' the world's first public relations gallery, this Thursday in the Warehouse Arts District in Saint Petersburg, Fla. The Showroom is a collaboration between the mechanics of public relations (PR) and the traditional characteristics of a fine arts gallery.

Tampa Bay History Center hosts 150 maps from the 15th century through today charting six centuries in Florida

TAMPA, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- Before the South was “The South,” there was only La Florida. Indeed, nearly 100 years before the English arrived in Virginia, Spanish and French explorers charted a course for “The Land of Flowers.” Marking the quincentenary of Ponce de León’s 1513 landing on Florida’s shores, the Tampa Bay History Center presents Charting the Land of Flowers: 500 Years of Florida Maps, one of the most comprehensive exhibitions of Florida cartography ever assembled.
We're the Millers movie

RV rental assistance for ‘We’re the Millers’ starring Jennifer Aniston and Jason Sudeikis provided by Allstar Coaches

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- Allstar Coaches, the leading provider of luxury recreational vehicle rentals in the United States, is no stranger to the entertainment industry. Most recently, it partnered with Warner Bros. to provide RV rental assistance for its new blockbuster movie, 'We're the Millers' starring Jennifer Aniston and Jason Sudeikis.
WB & The 10 Good Things

Critically acclaimed new illustrated children’s book aims to instill the ‘value of good deeds’ in children

MIAMI, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- Many people think it is about time that a children's book was published that has the ability to skillfully instill positive and inspirational values. Whilly Bermudez has stepped-up to the plate with his latest book entitled, 'WB and The 10 Good Things.' For children ages 5-8, this is a 'feel-good' book that parents will enjoy sharing with their kids. The book is available from the author's website and also on Amazon as a Kindle Edition.
Corey Weiner

Available this summer from Hypothesis Publishing Company is the first-ever next generation dating book, ‘Lion Taming’

MIAMI, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- Available now from Hypothesis Publishing Company is the first-ever next-generation dating book, 'Lion Taming: How Busy Professional Women Avoid the Seven Most Disappointing Suitors and Date Higher,' by Corey Weiner. In store for readers is a concise, info-packed read encouraging women to discriminate - politely that is - in their romantic lives without changing a thing about themselves or manipulating others.
Fla. Governor Rick Scott

Fla. Gov. Rick Scott Appoints Gary B. Anderson to the Florida Film and Entertainment Advisory Council

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- On Friday, Florida Governor Rick Scott announced the appointment of Gary Bryan Anderson to the Florida Film and Entertainment Advisory Council.
Long Journey with Mr. Jefferson

William G. Hyland Jr.’s book ‘Long Journey with Mr. Jefferson’ expounds on the relationship between historian Dumas Malone and Jefferson

TAMPA, Fla. /Florida Newswire/ -- The magisterial 'collaboration' over half a lifetime between historian Dumas Malone and his subject, Thomas Jefferson, is the basis for William G. Hyland Jr.'s compelling book, 'Long Journey with Mr. Jefferson' (ISBN: 9781612341972). Malone, the courtly and genteel historian from Mississippi, spent 38 years researching and writing the definitive biography of the man who 'invented the United States of America.'
Captain Morgan Rum Company

For eighth year Captain Morgan Rum Company and City of Key West team up to provide free Safe Rides during busiest...

ST. CROIX, U.S. Virgin Islands /Florida Newswire/ -- For the eighth consecutive year, Captain Morgan Rum Company and the City of Key West have teamed up to provide free Safe Rides during the busiest night of Fantasy Fest, Diageo North America has announced. Beginning at 5 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 27, 2012, all Key West Department of Transportation Buses will be free to ride.